
This is a site for information related to UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). This is a focused overview of ufology and is not intended to be inclusive of every individual, aspect, or item, nor is it complete. This site is maintained by the moderators of r/UFOs and volunteers in the subreddit community.

Is this really a wiki?

This is a wiki in the sense it is a collaborative effort to create a directory of information and all are welcome to contribute.

It is not a wiki in the sense it is built upon common wiki software or any user can simply register and immediately begin contributing. This website has been built with WordPress, the open-source CMS and we require users to reach out to us before contributing directly.


How can I contribute?

1. You can give in-context feedback on a specific part of a page by clicking the Feedback button in the bottom-right at any time.

2. You can reach us directly through Reddit. 

3. You can join the r/UFOs Community Discord and drop a message in the #wiki channel.


Who has contributed?

Currently, these individuals have contributed to the wiki:

Many other users have contributed indirectly through suggestions and feedback via Reddit and surveys.


Why haven’t you included X?

This site is not inclusive of every items or aspects related to ufology, nor is it complete. We are open to suggestions and collaboration.

Who has admin access to this site?

Only moderators of r/UFOs have access to admin privileges for this site.

What does this website cost to operate?

The cost for registering the site’s domain name is $20/year through Cloudflare.

The cost for hosting this site through Dreampress is $20/month.

u/LetsTalkUFOs currently covers these costs.